LEO orbit is closer to the Earth than a geostationary orbit is.
There's essentially no difference in their distance from the Sun.
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No. Geostationary orbits are equatorial, but equatorial orbits are not necessarily geostationary. To be geostationary, the orbit needs to be equatorial, circular and at the altitude such that one orbit takes one sidereal day (approximately 24 hours 3 minutes 56 seconds. ) An equatorial orbit need only be located above the equator, may have any period and need not be circular.
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A satellite is in geostationary orbit when it orbits the Earth at the same speed and direction as the Earth's rotation. This allows the satellite to appear stationary from the surface of the Earth. Measurements of its position and velocity can confirm that it is in geostationary orbit.
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Geostationary satellites are in an orbit that's 22,282 mi (35,786 km) above the surface of the Earth. For more on Geostationary satellite orbits, visit http://www.idirect.net/Company/Satellite-Basics/How-Satellite-Works.aspx
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Geostationary orbit is preferred for satellite communication systems because the satellite appears to be fixed in the sky, allowing for continuous communication with stationary ground stations. This eliminates the need for tracking equipment on the ground. Additionally, the geostationary orbit provides a large coverage area, making it ideal for broadcasting and communication services.
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the communication satellites take 24 hours to complete their one revolution around the earth
so the orbit of revolving satellite is called geostationary orbit.
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A geostationary orbit is an orbit of the Earth that is circular, over the equator,
and at the right distance to have a period of 24 hours. A satellite in such an orbit
appears to hang motionless, always at the same point in the sky
Anything else is a non-geostationary orbit. A satellite in one of those appears to move
in the sky, so that if you want to communicate with it, you need a movable dish.
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The Hubble Space Telescope (or HST) is not in a geostationary orbit. The HST is located at an average altitude of 600 Km. Earths' geostationary orbit is at approximately 36 000 Km.
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The Earth orbit in which satellites appear to be stationary is called the, "Geostationary Orbit". Some call it a synchronous orbit.
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No. That only applies to low Earth orbit. Geostationary satellites orbit beyond it.
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Geostationary satellites.
Geostationary satellites.
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$50 million
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gravitational potential energy of 9.81
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Geostationary is the moving orbit in the plane of the equator. Geostationary satellites are 22,300 miles above the Earths surface, and remain stationary at a fixed point. Weather and communication satellites are examples of geostationary satellites.
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GPS satellites are placed in medium Earth orbit (MEO) rather than geostationary orbit because MEO offers better coverage and accuracy for global positioning. Geostationary satellites, which orbit at a fixed point above the equator, would not provide adequate coverage at high latitudes. Also, geostationary orbits are higher up, resulting in longer signal travel times which can reduce GPS accuracy.
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A geostationary orbit is an orbit of the Earth that is circular, over the equator,
and at the right distance to have a period of 24 hours. A satellite in such an orbit
appears to hang motionless, always at the same point in the sky
Anything else is a non-geostationary orbit. A satellite in one of those appears to move
in the sky, so that if you want to communicate with it, you need a movable dish.
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A minimum of 24 satellites are needed in order to achieve global coverage with the Global Positioning System (GPS). This configuration ensures that a GPS receiver anywhere on Earth can receive signals from at least 4 satellites to determine its precise location.
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A geostationary orbit is a circular orbit around Earth at an altitude of approximately 35,786 km where satellites orbit at the same speed as the Earth's rotation, appearing stationary from the ground. A sun-synchronous orbit is a type of polar orbit where a satellite passes over any point on Earth's surface at the same local solar time. It is used for remote sensing and observation missions, ensuring consistent lighting conditions for imaging.
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No. A geostationary satellite appears to be stationary in the sky, which means not moving. This is a big part of the reason why it is referred to as a geo'stationary' satellite.
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Its closer to the earth.
Can say much more without know the velocity of the satellites
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No, the moon is not in a geostationary orbit around the Earth. The moon orbits the Earth in an elliptical path, causing its distance and position to vary constantly. Geostationary orbits are circular and are typically much closer to Earth than the moon.
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The orbit of a satellite around the Earth is called a "geocentric orbit."
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an orbit that is about 36000km above the Earth's surface and in which a satellite is above a fixed spot on the equator.
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A geostationary orbit. In this orbit, the satellite orbits the Earth at the same rate that the Earth rotates on its axis, allowing the satellite to remain fixed over the same point on the planet's surface.
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Geostationary satellites are the ones used for GPS satellites.
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In geosynchronous orbit, it's always somewhere over the same meridian of longitude.
In geostationary orbit, it's always over the same point on the equator.
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A geostationary orbit is a circular orbit above the Earth's equator at an altitude where the orbital period matches the rotation period of the Earth. This results in the satellite appearing stationary relative to a fixed point on the Earth's surface. Geostationary satellites are commonly used for telecommunications, weather monitoring, and broadcasting.
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Synchronous orbit
This is where an orbiting body (moon) has a period equal to the average rotational period of the body being orbited (planet), and in the same direction of rotation as that body.
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Because the geostationary orbit round the Earth is perturbed by gravity from the Sun and Moon. The biggest effect is to change the orbital plane of the geostationary satellite so that, after a while on station, in 24 hours it appears to move up and down slightly. For that reason communications satellites need motors and fuel to correct the orbit from time to time.
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The idea of sending a satellite to geostationary orbit was first published in 1928 by Herman Potocnik, however this was widely overlooked. Science Fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke is often credited for the proposal of creating geostationary communication satellites after his article "Extra-Terrestial Relays--Can Rocket Stations Give Worldwide Radio Coverage?" was published in the magazine Wireless World in 1945. However, it wasn't until 1964 that Syncom 3, the first geostationary satellite, was actually launched. Since then, many satellites have been sent to geostationary orbit. Most communication and broadcast satellites use a geostationary orbit because it is ideal for sending signals to a specific region.
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A geosynchronous orbits refers to the orbit of a satellite that matches the rotation of the earth, allowing it to remain above the same line of longitude. The satellite may still move north and south but not east or west. A geostationary orbit is a specific type of geosynchronous orbit directly above the equator. This allows the satellite to remain completely stationary over a fixed point on the earth's surface.
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Satellites cannot orbit one country. They may remain in geostationary orbit, but only at the equator. Therefore no satellite stays above only New Zealand.
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Doesn't work like that, a satellite can't orbit one country. It can stay in geostationary orbit over some, but that's it. Sputnik 1 orbited the whole Earth.
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The full form of GEO is Geostationary Orbit. It is a special case of geo-synchronous orbit which is circular and lies in the plane of the earth's equator.
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A satellite in a geostationary orbit orbits the Earth at around 22,300 miles above the equator. Geostationary satellites appear to be stationary in the sky relative to a fixed point on the Earth's surface, making them ideal for communication and weather monitoring.
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Geostationary Earth-Orbiting Weather Satellites
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A non-geostationary satellite is a satellite that does not orbit the Earth in sync with its rotation, like geostationary satellites do. Non-geostationary satellites can have a variety of orbits, such as low Earth orbit or medium Earth orbit, and are often used for tasks like remote sensing, global communication, or scientific research.
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-- circular orbit, rather than elliptical -- orbit positioned over the equator, not inclined to it -- correct orbital radius to result in a period equal to the sidereal day = approx 23hr 56min
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The time for one (stable) orbit is directly linked to the orbital radius. At one particular radius (geostationary), the resultant stable orbit velocity is exactly enough to match the rotation of the earth, keeping the satellite overhead at all times.
This geostationary radius is approximately 42 000 km from earths centre and most geostationary satellites are roughly in the equatorial plane.
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A satellite is considered to be in geostationary orbit when it stays in a fixed position above a specific point on Earth's surface. It orbits at the same rate as the Earth's rotation, which allows it to remain stationary relative to the ground below. Geostationary satellites are commonly used for communication and weather monitoring purposes.
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Geostationary satellites orbit in a constant position relative to the surface of the planet. They generally follow the Clarke Belt, named in honor of Arthur C. Clarke, which is about 22,300 miles above the equator.
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No, the HST orbits at 570 km above Earth (and not 36,000 km as the geostationary satellites do). It flies round Earth (= one orbit) in 97 minutes, the speed is about 28,000 kilometers per hour.
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A geostationary orbit is a circular orbit above the Earth's equator where a satellite orbits at the same speed as the Earth's rotation. This allows the satellite to appear stationary in the sky relative to an observer on the ground. Geostationary satellites are commonly used for communication, weather monitoring, and other purposes that require a fixed point of reference in space.
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Satellites orbit Earth in the thermosphere and exosphere, which are the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere. The exosphere is the outermost layer of the atmosphere where most satellites, particularly those in geostationary orbit, are found.
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